
Also check out my blog detailing the creation of VAaS

SFBA Drug Study

This is a set of studies surrounding drugs in high school students – the supply chains for each drug, how it affects their high school lives


This is a research study about drug usage in the Bay Area. Most of our research was done at Design Tech High School, a small charter school in Northern California. The school has ~500 students in it. Some of our interviewees are from the surrounding San Mateo Unified High School district.

For reasons that are presumably understandable, most of our interviewees preferred to remain anonymous.

This guide is meant for parents and educators and was created to prevent students from falling victim to drug abuse. In this site, I have highlighted the “Big 3” entry-level drugs – nicotine, alcohol, and marijuana – as well as various harder drugs that students may be exposed to, the risks, and safe procedures.

Drug Overviews